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Our Rooms


0 - 1 Years


1 - 2 Years


2- 3 Years


3 - 4 Years


THE DUCKLINGS - 3 months to 1 year

In the baby room we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS)

We provide a homely, relaxed and welcoming environment for children 3 months to 12 months. A place where babies can form close attachments with their key workers to build up their confidence and emotional development. The room is made up of different areas:

* Imaginary area

* Comfy area

* Exploratory area

* Physical play

These areas are changed accordingly to suit children’s ages and stages of development and to enhance planning and also children’ interests and home links.

The room is set up to promote independence and free choice making sure all developmental areas of the Early Year’s Foundation Stage Framework are available throughout the day. Focussed activities are carried out throughout the day for each key worker group.  A separate sleep area is adjacent to the play area; this offers a quiet and comfortable atmosphere with soothing music for babies to rest.

Each key worker plans activities for each of their children including a mixture of child and adult led activities; this incorporating children’s interests and in the moment planning.

Within the baby unit there is a separate nappy changing area with washing facilities and a kitchen area for preparing foods and heating bottles. Each child is assigned a key worker when they start nursery to help with settling in and to build secure attachments and friendships. The Ducklings can enjoy direct access to a large outside area where all the children can enjoy a variety of activities from bubbles to exploring the sand pit in a safe and secure environment with the added benefit of the safety surface. We also visit the forest school regularly and participate in outings within the local community.

Each child has a daily diary linked to iConnect and Parenzone which is filled in by their key worker, these contain relevant information regarding the child’s wellbeing and their activities during the day. These are a good way of communication between nursery and home, and are vital in building partnerships with parents/carers. 

Staff ratio 1:3


THE DUCKS - 1 to 2 years


 In the Ducks room we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS)

This room welcomes children from 12months who are confidently walking to 30 months and the emphasis is on having lots of fun whilst learning through play. The room is made up of lots of different areas, these are:-

* Eating area 

* Messy area(Where children can explore sand, water, large and small scale messy play)           

* Small world play

* Role play area/ Home Corner

* Exploratory area                                    

* Book/story area

* Construction area


Your child will have access to all areas of continuous provision and this means that the children can explore the areas as they want and play where they feel comfortable. The Ducks have got a large outside area, which is used as an extension of the room. This outdoor area has just been revamped to include an outdoor classroom, garden, construction area, sand shed and physical activity area. We also have full access to our forest school. 

We eat our snacks and meals around our sociable table in our eating area or for those children who feel more comfortable in a high chair we offer low high chairs. At snack and meal times we promote independence where we encourage children to make choices. 

We support children in learning new skills including sharing, personal hygiene, making decisions, self feeding, using a spoon and drinking from a cup without a lid. 

We hold parents evenings twice throughout the year these are in January and July.

Each child is assigned their own key worker, and during the day they will spend time playing with and observing their key children, which gives opportunities for the key worker to identify future learning opportunities for their key child. Your Parentzone app sends you messages and updates from your child’s key worker, this includes information on your child’s well being and what they have done during the day. We also provide a secure and comfortable sleep area for the children when needed. We liaise with the parent about sleep patterns and preferences so that the child’s normal routine is not disrupted. A qualified member of staff is with them to reassure, comfort and supervise them during this time. Nappy changing area for the children in the ducks room is located in the baby room. 

Throughout the week we have extra curricular sessions including baby signing and Hartbeeps. We also go on regular outings out and about in the local community.


Staff Ratio 1:3


THE SWANS - 2 to 3 years

In the Swans room we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS)

This room welcomes children from 2-3 years of age and the emphasis is on having lots of fun whilst learning through play. The room is made up of lots of different areas, these are:-

* Messy area (sand, water, malleable play & mark making)               

* Small world play

* Role play area/ Home Corner

* Construction area

* Exploratory area                                                          

* Book/story area                          


Your child will have access to all areas of continuous provision and this means that the children can explore the areas as they want and play where they feel comfortable. We have got access to a large outside area, which is used as an extension of the room. Our outdoor area includes a story shed where children can access books and story sacks while playing outside. We recently had a shop built to incorporate role play into our outdoors. We also have a maths and literacy shed with additional resources and a large sand pit that is undercover so is accessible in all weathers.

We eat our snacks and meals in the conservatory; which gives the children opportunity to socialise and build on their existing skills using our table manners and being polite to one another. Rolling snack time gives children the opportunity to work in small groups and become independent in many self - help skills including sharing, personal hygiene, making decisions, pouring own drinks, using one handed tools and helping their friends.

We hold parents evenings twice throughout the year these are in January and July.

Each child is assigned their own key worker, and during the day they will spend time playing with and observing their key children, which gives opportunities for the key worker to identify future learning activities for their key child. Your Parentzone app sends you messages and updates from your child’s key worker, this includes information on your child’s well being and what they have done during the day. We also provide a secure and comfortable sleep area separate from main room for the children when needed. We liaise with the parent about sleep patterns and preferences so that the child’s normal routine is not disrupted. A qualified member of staff is with them to reassure, comfort and supervise them during this time. Nappy changing area for the 2-3’s is located next to the toilets. Many children of this age are toilet training and children are taken to the toilet at regular intervals and supervised at all times. The children are encouraged to become independent at this time by starting to wash and dry their own hands. We have also introduced a self registration board to help both parents and children with a routine to start every session, the children love to find their name and register themselves.

We have a water station to encourage the children to drink regularly throughout the day.

Once a term, each child will be the ‘focus child’ for their key worker group. The key worker will select a different child each week. They will take their box home and fill it with objects and photos that are special to them. The key worker will then plan activities and experiences for that child throughout the week using items they have brought in.

Throughout the week we have extra curricular sessions including toddle up and sign, hartbeeps & dancing. We also go on regular outings out and about in the local community.


Staff Ratio 1:4/1:8


Pre-School - 3 years to 4 years

The Pre - School room provides new experiences and adventures for the daring 3-4 year olds. This room is the biggest and shall we say the most productive room in the Nursery, the children are encouraged to be themselves while preparing for the transition into School. The staff provide opportunities and experiences that stimulate the children while providing structure and stability through using the Early Years Foundation Stage framework. This is done by regular observations by your child’s key worker, which help to identify future needs.

The Pre-School room is organised into areas of continuous provision, these areas are:-

* Mark Making Area​

* Workshop/Paintng Area​

* Roleplay/Homecorner Area – this is changed regularly to cover different topics​

* Fine Manipulative Area​

* Quiet Area/Story Corner​

* Messy Area (Sand, Water & Malleable)​

* Construction Area​

* Small World Area​

The children are able to access all of the toys and equipment within the room at any time, giving them free choice, the children are not restricted to a regimented routine and playtime enables them to choose what they want to play with. ​

We operate a rolling snack time where children are able to have conversations and become more independent pouring their own drinks and choosing their own snacks.  The children have free choice of drinks and snacks both mornings and afternoons. The Pre-School children love outdoor play and have a couple of playing out areas which they make use of; these are the woodland area and the playground as well as the large grassy area at the front of the building. These are used for physical play such as bikes and parachute play to the woodland area being used for treasure hunts and story time in the tree stump area. Your child will be given a Key Worker and it is their responsibility to work closely with and monitor your child, ensuring they are being given the best care and that they are completely happy. We thrive off the relationship we have with the parents and key children. We have recently added an undercover area to our outdoor space to enhance our outdoor space in all weathers and we have use of the outdoor classroom in the Ducks outdoor area.​

Staff Ratio 1:8​

Lakeview Children's Nursery Foulridge Food Hygiene
Lakeview Children's Nursery Foulridge Quality Award
Lakeview Children's Nursery Foulridge Quality Award
Lakeview Children's Nursery Foulridge NDNA
Lakeview Children's Nursery Foulridge Smile4Life

Lakeview Children's Nursery, Skipton New Road, Foulridge, Colne, Lancashire, BB8 7NN   |   01282 868 249   |

©2018 Lakeview Children's Nursery

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